* Please be advised that due to maternity leave, Revitalised has taken a little break, temporarily placing all care and treatments on hold. If you would like me to notify you once Revitalised has reopened, feel free to contact me with your details. Thanks for visiting x (August 2022)
Welcome to Revitalised..
A Lymphoedema service created to provide specialist advice, care and treatment to those suffering from Lymphoedema and Lipoedema.
Having worked and trained as a lymphoedema specialist in the NHS I appreciate the difficulties patients face in accessing services and treatments for management of their condition.
Due to the lack of awareness and knowledge about lymphoedema,professional help and support is often limited and lymphoedema doesn't receive the recognition it deserves as a long term chronic condition.
Revitalised was created to be that support, to prioritise you and your lymphoedema and listen to what matters to you !
Both lymphoedema and lipoedema amongst many other symptoms can cause pain, discomfort and restricted function and movement Through treatments delivered I aim to provide symptom relief to make day to day life and tasks seem little easier, and most importantly I encourage you to take some time to relax and invest in you and your health, and feel Revitalised.
NMC pin- 16G1596E
Home Visits
Restricted mobility, illness or other personal circumstances may make attending appointments challenging. Revitalised is committed to delivering a service you require in an environment that's right for you. ( Please note, there will be an extra charge to cover mileage )
Clinic appointments.
A specially furbished clinic room within my home in Allington Kent has been carefully designed with the consideration of my clients to ensure comfort, privacy and relaxation during their visit.
Exercise classes
Exercise and movement plays a crucial part not just in the management of lipoedema and lymphoedema, but also to the maintenance of our general physical and mental wellbeing. As a community lets look after our health together and why not make friends at the same time. CLASSES TBC.
Price list
Initial consultation- £ 35
During an initial consultation we will complete a thorough holistic assessment, discussing past medical history,your condition and the limbs/areas affected , and how this affects you in your day to day life. I will provide my impression of the condition you appear to be suffering from based on your symptoms, history and appearance/feel of tissues. Please note, I will not provide a firm diagnosis as I am not a doctor. I am however happy to write a letter to your GP and share my findings, again suggesting my impression.
We will discuss whats important to you and the reasons you have visited Revitalised.
During the consultation simple lymphatic drainage will be demonstrated and taught for you to be able to perform at home. A foam ball and SLD leaflet will also be issued to help you on your way.
If treatment is felt suitable and is indicated, pre treatment assessments will be completed to provide us with a baseline before treatment is commenced, and a treatment plan can then be created. If time allowing for both you and I treatments can be commenced on the day following the initial assessment if you so desire.
Please note, any patient wishing to book treatments will require this initial consultation as safety is always of the upmost importance , and its important to discuss current medical health and ensure the treatment you desire is indicated and of course going to be beneficial.
Deep Oscillation therapy and Manual lymphatic drainage. - £48
Deep oscillation is a versatile therapy which reduces symptoms such as pain, inflammation, oedema and fibrosis. Lymphatic drainage is promoted and limbs often feel lighter post treatment aiding mobility.
The therapy works through creation of an electrostatic field which is created between the therapist and patient whilst connected to a Hivamat machine. This electrostatic field allows deeps relaxing vibrations to be delivered deep within the tissues being treated (8cm deep!) Vibrations are delivered through the practitioner’s vinyl gloves and MLD ( manual lymphatic drainage) can be carried out like normal, just with the added benefit of tissues being oscillated. Just think of Deep Oscillation as a therapy used to shake up, break up and move that stubborn, lazy lymphatic fluid.
This therapy does not cause any pain or discomfort, making it suitable for all patients, particularly individuals with lipoedema.
Pulsepress Lymphflow Advance -£48 ( not currently available)
Pneumatic compression mimics manual lymphatic drainage . The Pulsepress Lymphflow Advance system provides application of external pressure to the limb(s) through inflation of air chambers in the garments, which actively compress the limb. Research documents the benefits of treatment as reduced limb volume, softened tissues and aided lymphatic drainage. The Pulsepress Lymphflow Advance provides 7 different settings, allowing treatment to focus on your problematic area, be it the hand, foot, or thigh !
The Pulsepress Lymphflow Advance machine can be hired out to you, please feel free to discuss with me. This might be an option if you have an event or occasion booked and are looking for daily treatments to achieve outcomes such as decreased limb volume and increased comfort of the limb(s).
Unsure what treatment you fancy the sound of ? Feel free to try a .....
Combi-treat package" £85 ( A saving of £10)
Both full treatments( Deep oscillation and Pulsepress Lymphflow Advance) delivered over two separate clinic appointments to allow you to compare the results and personal preference of both treatments.
Personalised care plan £35
An individualised, tailored care plan covering all the essentials from skin care to exercise to ensure efficient management of your condition.
*Please note, payment will be taken at time of booking.